Tuesday, July 9, 2013

         Gutom at Malnutrisyon sama-sama nating wakasan  

Nowadays one of the top problems in our country is malnutrition due to poverty. This is one of the cause why many child died because of lack of food to take and vitamins should be in the body so we feel weak and sick. How to prevent malnutrition? We should do a way to stop those worst causes of malnutrition.
        Junkfoods like candies, chichirya and other foods that has no nutritious value is the main source why malnutrition is emerging. We should eat nutritious foods like fruits and vegetable rich in vitamins so that our body accepts good source of energy to face all challenges and not be weak. We also get away from any sickness and if our body rich in vitamins we also get more energetic and our brain functions well. We should lessen the products that has no nutritious value and produced more in food that more nutritious.
        The food that we taking should check if this is nutritious to avoid weakness and be not one of the malnutrition.